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Firing on All Cylinders: the CPPA Turns its Attention to the Privacy Practices of Connected Vehicles

On Monday, the California Privacy Protection Agency announced that its next wave of enforcement would focus on the privacy practices of connected cars. The Agency’s Enforcement Division will be auditing manufacturers' collection of data from vehicles, including locations, smartphone connections and images from cameras.

The collection of location information in particular may be a focus of the Agency, as there have long been concerns about how vehicle data may be used and shared with third parties, such as advertisers, data brokers and insurance companies. 

The review of practices doesn’t necessarily mean that fines will follow or that a company’s practices will be challenged if they are in line with the law. However, it is another reminder to have your house in order. The CPPA or the California AG’s office can come knocking at any time and you should be prepared to respond to their inquiries.  

“Our Enforcement Division is making inquiries into the connected vehicle space to understand how these companies are complying with California law when they collect and use consumers’ data,” Soltani said.


privacy security & data innovations