While the announcement wasn't much for details, OpenAI, the provider of ChatGPT recently announced during its OpenAI Development Day, that they would roll out “Copyright Shield.” This program will be offered to its business customers (read, those who pay to use the program) and is touted to provide a defense and cost reimbursement by OpenAI for its customers who face legal claims around copyright infringement. While the details of how Copyright Shield will actually work are not yet clear, OpenAI is following the trend set by other major AI providers like Microsoft and Getty, who are attempting to assuage their customer's fears of lawsuits that may stem from the use of Generative AI. Like some others, OpenAI's offering seems to only apply to copyright claims, not trademark, right of publicity or defamation, which are also potential claims to stem from Generative AI. I look forward to watching as these offerings develop and roll out, and hope that they will provide true value to users.
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ChatGPT to Indemnify Business Customers for Copyright Claims
Copyright Shield OpenAI is committed to protecting our customers with built-in copyright safeguards in our systems. Today, we’re going one step further and introducing Copyright Shield—we will now step in and defend our customers, and pay the costs incurred, if you face legal claims around copyright infringement. This applies to generally available features of ChatGPT Enterprise and our developer platform.