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Scrutiny of Online Trackers continues ...

Scrutiny concerning organizations use of online trackers will continue and are likely to accelerate throughout 2024.  Understanding your organization’s posture concerning the data that it collects and uses could not be more important at this juncture for organizations that have not determined whether they might be subject to Connecticut’s health privacy law, which is currently in effect, and Washington and Nevada’s health privacy laws as they come online next year.  In addition, organizations should assess their general digital privacy compliance process while deploying and acquiring AI systems as a part of its broader AI strategies.  Finally, organizations should be aware of the potential impact that state privacy regulations might have on the collection and use of sensitive data, including opt-in or opt-out requirements as well as data impact assessment obligations.  Please see our current analysis of the potential implications of the current regulatory triangle here.  Enforcement is certainly here and will only increase.  #health privacy #HIPAA #AI #Algorithms  

The lawsuits against Costco are part of a wave of similar litigation that has been filed in the last year or so against other entities that also allegedly used online trackers unlawfully to collect and disclose patients' and consumers' sensitive health and personal information with third parties without their knowledge or consent


privacy security & data innovations