8/26/2024 4:26:36 PM Third Circuit Decision Provides a Cautionary Tale in Negotiating Future Payment Rights By Bethany D. Simmons Noah Weingarten In MaIlinckrodt PLC v. Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC, No. 23-1111, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit affirmed a Delaware...
8/22/2024 12:42:12 PM Adieu, Fake Revie(u)w By Libby O'Neill It’s here! The Federal Trade Commission's (FTC’s) final rule banning fake reviews and testimonials, that is. Some of you may remember...
8/21/2024 7:43:24 PM Allergan Holding Protects "First-Filed" Parent Patents from Their Misbehaving Patent Offspring By Jonathan B. Thielbar This month, in Allergan USA, Inc. v. MSN Laboratories Private Ltd., the Federal Circuit added to the ongoing patent-family drama...